Advices and Queries

Quakerism is a living faith made real through the inward light of the living Christ. This faith holds that our individual These are Quaker benches used during discussion of Advices and Queries.lives and the corporate life of the Meeting can be guided by continuing revelation through the Holy Spirit. When we behold the splendor of creation, we realize that knowledge of what is divine is beyond description. Traditionally, Friends have referred to the divine in such terms as God, the Inward Light, the Living Water, the Creator, the Christ Within, and the Spirit. Many believe that when we limit the divine to one gender we also limit ourselves and each other. Becoming aware of how we discern Spirit is important to our worship. The Quaker faith is not written in the form of a creed, but is experienced in our lives as a vibrant, living truth. Advices and queries serve to engage our minds and hearts in a process which may provide openings to the leadings of the Spirit within us. These leadings may speak to our individual and corporate needs. The advices and queries reflect experiences from many lives as they contribute to the gathered wisdom of the group. They serve to guide us on our spiritual journeys by opening our hearts and minds to the possibility of new directions and insights.

Uses of Advices and Queries

We look for our own truths and the truths of our meeting when we discuss the advices and answer the queries. It is suggested that one advice and one query be considered by the local meeting each month. Monthly Meeting answers to each of the queries are to be mailed to the assistant clerk of the yearly meeting one month prior to yearly meeting sessions. While Friends are encouraged to consider each query in its entirety, replies need to cover only those questions the meeting is led to address. A summary answer, to be read at the yearly meeting session, will be chosen by the assistant clerk from among the Monthly Meeting answers.

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Source Faith and Practice

2019 Queries and Selected Responses
2018 Queries and Selected Responses
2017 Queries and Selected Responses
2015 Queries and Selected Responses
2014 Queries and Selected Responses
2013 Queries and Selected Responses
2012 Queries and Selected Responses
2011 Queries and Selected Responses
2010 Queries and Selected Responses
2009 Queries and Selected Responses
2008 Queries and Selected Responses
2007 Queries and Selected Responses
2006 Queries and Selected Responses
2005 Queries and Selected Responses
2004 Queries and Selected Responses
2003 Queries and Selected Responses