
Quaker Organizations and Resources

Conservative Friends

North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative)
Ohio Yearly Meeting

Quaker Organizations

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Friends General Conference (FGC)
Friends Journal
Friends Peace Teams
Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) Section of the Americas
Pendle Hill
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW)

Other Organizations

University of Iowa Center for Human Rights
Iowa Peace Network


Educational Resources

Digital Quaker Collection at the Earlham School of Religion
Friends Council on Education
Scattergood Friends School, affiliated with Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative)

Other Meetings

Cedar Falls Quaker Meeting: an informal meeting in Cedar Falls, Iowa


From the Friends World Committee for Consultation  website:

FWCC is pleased to post Epistles we receive. An Epistle articulates a collective sense of experience and how God has moved among Friends during a gathering, be it a yearly meeting session or an FWCC Section meeting, or a Young Friends gathering. It is approved by that group during a meeting for business. It is typically shared with yearly meetings so that they might read some of them out in meeting or publish some for people to read. It was historically, and continues to be, an important way for Friends and others to learn about each other in that which is eternal. They help us appreciate that we are part of a world family of Friends.

These Epistles can be accessed here:   To Friends Everywhere

Additional Sites of Interest

For a very complete list of links to Quaker organizations and information see