Yearly Meeting Video Conference Practice

For sessions besides Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, we will be meeting in the main room like most Zoom meetings. We ask that you enter the room as if you were entering an actual room with the meeting (for worship or otherwise) in progress. Please mute your microphone as a default; the tech team may mute it for you if you accidentally unmute.

For sessions of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, the main “room” you enter into will be treated like a lobby. We’ll confirm people present are registered, make sure you know the basics outlined here, and the place you in a “breakout room” which is the main meeting space.

In Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, we ask that

  • You mute your microphone (with the mute button on computer or tablet, *6 on your phone), 
  • Unless you are on a phone, open the “participants” list (at the bottom of your screen on a computer, at the top on a tablet). 
  • At the bottom of that participants list is a button “raise hand.” When the clerk opens up the meeting for members to contribute, please press that button if you have something to say, and the clerk will recognize speakers. When others are speaking, please press it again to put your hand down, and if you still feel the need to speak when a speaker is finished, press the button again. If you are on a phone and wish to be recognized, unmute (*6) and say “clerk please.”
  • We encourage use of “speaker mode.” Look for the button in the corner of your screen that toggles between this mode and “gallery mode” where all the windows are the same size.

In general, if you are not going to be sitting attentively, either because of distractions at your location, or because you need to step away, we ask that you also turn off your video (next to the mute button) while you are not “with us” in expectant waiting.

We also ask that you try to use your actual name, not a handle or the group your account is under. You can “rename” yourself by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of YOUR picture, or you can ask one of us to do it. If you are calling in on a phone, we will try and match your phone number with a registered name so people know who you are; it may not be you, but it will be the main person/people who registered.

If you have problems connecting, please call or text Cheryl at (515) 360-0031, or email If you email, please include a phone number so we can get in touch with you ASAP. 

You can also contact the Host (look for the name near the top of the participants list), and chat with them using the chat function.